The Pokémon Peninsula
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-:- -:-The Pokémon Peninsula: Winter Stars -:- -:-

Power Revolutions - Chapter 4

The Pokémon Peninsula > Fanfics

Power Revolutions

by CyberRaichu aka Darkangemon

Writers note: Wolf 359 is about 8 hours ahead of Earth at this point in the story as every day due to the Wolf 359 rotation rate being 25 hours the time difference increases by an hour.

Writers note: Aviemon is owned by WK Graham he just let me borrow him for the next couple of chapters.

Writers Revenge: I admit clearly I hate Heathrow Airport ; they kept my mother waiting in the terminal 2 days to get on a plane and then lost her luggage for a week after that.  

Chapter 4 - The Lost One

So near, and yet still so far far away

So close, and yet still to come

Concealed the seed is mysteriously growing

In hearts that will listen and hear

A treasure that’s hidden

A pearl of great price

A fortune for fools who believe


A kingdom of beauty, a kingdom of love

A kingdom of justice and peace

A kingdom that holds all the wilds of creation

A kingdom where children will lead

The Kingdom: Michael Card


Fortree city Pokémon centre 4:30 AM

It Was a Dark and stormy night.

Sorry I’ve always wanted to start a chapter like that.

It was also true; the cold northern winds were finally brushing the treetop houses of Fortree with the first signs of winter.

Windows rattled doors slammed, the wind seemed to rush across the forest town, like a beckoning herald

Benjamin shook Ash and his friends quietly awake.

Ash looked up blearily as the tall framed Digidestined peered coldly out the window.

“What’s going on?” asked May yawning slightly.

“Something big is nearby,” replied Benjamin, “The local pokémon are going ballistic,”

There was a bone chilling howl and the sound of barking.

A faint light appeared inside the Pokémon centre.

The company turned to see Nurse Joy and her husband, a tall burly man with brownish grey hair, walk groggily into the centre proper.

“We heard the racket, what’s gotten the Poochyena and Mightyyena so agitated Oak?” asked Mr. Ryan in a worried tone.

“I dunno,” replied Benjamin

<Yes you do> spoke a voice as hard as iron

Benjamin jumped, he knew that voice, and he hadn’t heard that voice for four years.

Parts of his mind that had remained dormant for years clicked into place as if nothing had changed.

<Stars?> he queried in his own reedy telepathy

<You called,> replied the iron thought voice and then changing to a real voice “Please let me in, it’s getting pretty cold out here and those Poochyena are eyeing me in a funny way.

Mr. Ryan coughed, as Benjamin opened the glass doors to the cold mountain air.

Ash, May, Max and Brock all looked on in shock as a small white digimon stumbled into the centre. The doors slammed again, Benjamin knelt by his partner who coughed and wheezed slightly, Benjamin picked up StarAgumon as if he were a rag doll and set him on one of the wrap around couches.

“What is it?” asked May

Pikachu cleared his throat.

“Peeeyaaaakaaaadeeeeegeeeemonnnnnnn” he said stuttering on every syllable

Benjamin looked horrified, May looked confused.

“Oh no,” he said turning pale

“Therrrrrrrrr eeeeeeees sssssuuuummmmthing Peekaa Peekaaaulular going on,” continued Pikachu still stammering but becoming more discernable with each word, as if he were bullying his tongue into complying.

Ash looked absolutely horrified.

“Pikachu, what’s wrong? How is this happening?”

“I donnnn’t know, Pika Pi I just seem to know,” stammered Pikachu

“It’s his Digimon heritage,” said Benjamin softly still processing it himself “Something is really upsetting him, and it’s causing his digimon genes to go berserk, Jared said your Pikachu was 25% digimon!”

“But we’ve been through weirder things, how come it didn’t happen then?” asked Ash in shock as Pikachu attempted another word without “Pi” in it.

“Those things were all pokémon related Ash,” replied Brock “Shamuti island, Greenfield, The Iilex forest, even that whole affair with Groundon, They were all natural catastrophes, there was always a Pokémon factor, maybe that was the reason Pikachu didn’t ‘activate’ this time it’s just instinct,”

Benjamin nodded and sighed, “Couldn’t have said it better myself Brock,”

Pikachu nodded

“Yup that’s Pika right,”

StarAgumon gasped a bit Benjamin rushed to his partner’s side,

“Who did this to you Stars? Who?” asked Benjamin urgently.

StarAgumon coughed,

“Satamon,” he gasped

“Here?” asked Benjamin

“No in fairy land, of course here,” snapped StarAgumon.

Benjamin glanced around the room, everyone looked afraid, to be honest so was he.

“We have to go, I was going to wait until dawn, but I guess there’s no choice,”

“Where?” asked May and Max in unison

“Blackthorn City,.” Said Benjamin sternly “I have a feeling this is just the beginning,” 


 Wolf 359 Digital World

Genetmon sat on a mountaintop, looking across the parched and blasted lands of Satamon’s old territory.

“She’s late” started Genetmon cautiously.

“She’ll come; I am family after all,” replied the inner voice of her conscience quietly.

“I’m already here Gen,” replied a voice in the shadows.

Genetmon smiled happily as Yani walked out of the shadows.

“So? What’s the scoop on this new leader?” asked Genetmon sidling up to Yani and purring.

She was small and built like a cat, except for the tail, which fluffed out like a piece of spotted candyfloss.

“He’s just like Satamon only worse; he’s more powerful, more dangerous even if I dare say it… more evil,” Uttered Yani sadly.

Genetmon opened her mouth and began to sing.

Where once was light, Now Darkness falls

Where once was love, Love is no more

Don’t say goodbye

Don’t say I didn’t try

“Sorry I had to sing that, it felt right,” she muttered after she was finished.

“That actually was appropriate Genetmon,” replied Yani

“So where did he get too?”

“He’s in the other world,” replied Yani pointing up to the floating orb of Wolf 359.

“Impossible,” replied Genetmon resolutely.

“StarAgumon has already followed him,” replied Yani softly.

“Then lets get out of here too,” added Genetmon

“Let’s” replied Yani



Blackthorn City

Misty woke up to a remix of ‘Viridian City’ blaring in her ears.

“Good Morning Tamers welcome to your first day of training,” called Aeron’s voice over the intercom

“That’s sure right you’ve taken a big step into the future,” said another voice, a female voice younger and perkier than Aeron[1].

“Bugger off,” thought Misty putting her pillow over her ears.

It didn’t work, Togepi was already up and jumping up and down on her back

“Time to wake up Mommy,” said the cute little spike ball Pokémon cheerily.

“Nuts,” muttered Misty as she changed out of her Pyjamas into her new uniform.

She regarded herself critically in the mirror.

It was a green Jump-suit mostly unremarkable, except for the emblem on the breast pocket.

A small pigeot seated upon a digital hazard sign was in the middle of two olive branches each held by a Dragonite and a Charizard, she also noted that there was absolutely no way she could look cute in it[2].

There was a knock at the door.

Misty sighed and straightened the shirt “Come in,” she yelled.

“Good morning Misty, sleep well?” Asked Gary entering her room quickly, he was also wearing a jump-suit that made him look older than he was.

“Yeah except for the fact my eardrums are gone,” replied Misty irritably “Can I help you with something Gary?”

“Well actually yes, the leader of the Tamers, Jared Sancheras wants us to be at his office in ten minutes, I was told to go get you,” muttered Gary.

“OK let’s go then,” replied Misty cheerily as she picked up Togepi and placed her in her backpack

They walked peacefully down the corridor for a while watching as various other Kids of more or less their age stumble out of other rooms.

Gary seemed to recognise a few of them waving in a friendly way his spiky hair moving in unison with his arm.

“Sancheras” said Misty in a wondering tone “Sounds familiar”

“Jared skills as a Pokémon Breeder are pretty legendary”

“No that’s not it,” said Misty vaguely “I’m pretty sue it was something else,”

Gary shrugged.

“Well you’ll find out soon enough, here we are,”

In front of them was an ebony wooden door, with a single bronze plaque which read:

Mr J Sancheras Alpha Tamer

“You first,” said Misty with certainty “Time to get real answers,”



Melbourne, Australia

Jay and Penguinmon were watching a very peculiar scene; it looked like someone had evacuated the beach of all but 2 people, 2 people she knew.

On the beach were her Digidestined friends Vic and Bob pawing were the ground nervously as their Digimon sat at their feet.

“I thought this was a serious call,” she scowled as Kupomon threw a beach ball at Penguinmon

“It is,” replied Vic pointing down the beach sulkily.

Jay looked, further down the beach was the most enormous man she had ever laid eyes on.

He was at least eight feet tall with small piggy eyes that seemed to merge with a huge bushy moustache and beard, he was lounging in a deck chair that appeared to be way too small for him and about to collapse

“It’s a fat tourist Victor, I hardly call that dangerous,” sniped Jay

“Nuh uh” said Penguinmon, “That’s a digimon I can see,” 

“Don’t look too tough,” replied Jay “hey who’s coming this way,”

A large antelope digimon with twisting horns was bounding towards the beach full tilt; running behind it was a tall strong teenager with Sandy blonde hair and thin glasses, a little way behind him was a tall brown haired guy with a serious and to be honest quite deadpan face raced along with a small yellow bird finally gasping for breath and quite behind the others came a stocky teenager with messy brown hair crazy grey-blue eyes.

“Whatever you do, “gasped the stocky kid “Don’t pick a fight with that guy.”



Blackthorn City

Misty and Gary walked calmly through the Mahogany door trying to hide their nervousness

Jared’s office to the casual observer was like a giant rats nest, except that no rat could ever be this messy.

In the centre of crammed Bookshelves, hanging pokémon models, and a large speaker system which was spaced according to 8.1 sound specifications, was Jared’s desk screen tilted to the side.

There sitting calmly was Jared a look of general interest in his face which unnerved Misty intensely, Jared was meant to be bored.

Aeron was there too, quietly standing in the background as if waiting for some signal to do something. There was also a girl, blue eyes and short blue hair; she gave them a friendly smile.

“Ah mistress Williams and Master Oak,” said Jared in a cheerful voice yet betraying a hint of recognition.

“Uh hi,” muttered Misty nervously she knew that face; it hadn’t changed in 6 years.

Jennifer, for that’s who she was, smiled benignly

“No need to be nervous guys; all things going well you won’t even have to report to Jared here,” she laughed

Jared laughed as well, a laugh of old familiarity.

“Geez I’m not that bad,” he retorted with mock ferocity.

Sparky snickered, Gary gave Misty an eye roll; sarcasm was not Jennifer’s strong point.

“What Ms Elm means, is that after your initial training period, you won’t have to see mine or Sparky’s ugly mug at all,”

Sparky’s finger flickered as he jabbed it into Jared’s ear

“Maybe I’m the only ugly one,” retracted Jared quickly as his pikachu released his grip of terror

“Oh kay!” stated Misty her eyes meeting Gary’s again.

“That little travesty aside I think the two of you need some more human answers as to what you are now,” continued the Alpha Tamer recovering quite flawlessly from his show of weakness.

“Yeah I think I would, what is this place?” asked Misty solidly

“This place was established just after the first digital incursions four years ago,” started Jennifer

Jared rolled his eyes and pulled out a small remote.

The Blinds on the sides of the office went all the way down.

A small holonet rose from the floor.

A map of Wolf 359 appeared 3 dimensionally in the centre of the room.

Jennifer squinted into the darkness “Hey I was talking,”

“And boring the poor kids at the same time,” replied Jared and then turned to address Gary and Misty.

“This is the real world,” he started pointing at the high definition hologram of the planet, “and this is the digital dimension,” he added pointing at a thin rainbow coloured layer surrounding the major continents.

“Wow, it’s a bit like a candy wrapper,” said Gary in awe as Jared flickered to the next frame.

This frame was taken at an angle; a thin rainbow layer seemed to cover Wolf 359’s continents

“A lot like it yes,” replied Jared[3] “You already know what a digimon is, Chloe is not a fool,”

“I should think so,” muttered

“The Tamers and Digidestined act as a defence grid of sorts, we protect those too weak to protect themselves, the two of you are to report for classes today, I understand Chloe arrived late last night, I’m sure she’ll be able to explain the digidestined training to you better than I can,”

“So in other words you’re handing us over to Chloe?” asked Misty quietly.

“No as far as I’m concerned you’re Tamers as well, you’re also going to take classes like the rest of the recruits,”

“Oh,” said Misty

There was a pause, Jennifer sighed and walked to the door, after all, Daihasumon needed feeding.

Gary also left trailing after Jen in a lost fashion, Aeron moved after him muttering something about breakfast.

Misty also turned to leave when Jared spoke again,

“May I speak with you for a minute Ms Williams?[4]” he asked softly.

Misty sat down again.

“Keeping well I guess,”

“Yes I’m doing fine, haven’t seen you in a while Jared,”

“I went on a holiday… it didn’t last to long. What have you been doing?”

“Arguing with my sisters ever since I got back from Hoën,” replied Misty sadly.

“Whatever happened with that boy from Pallet you were travelling with? You never did tell me his name” questioned Jared

“Ash? Oh nothing, I never told him,” replied Misty “it was a phase, it passed,”

“Oh…” replied Jared carefully “I see, hold on a mo… Ash? Ash Ketchum?”

“Yeah you know him?” asked Misty in surprise; Jared was a regular in Cerulean city ever since his parents had moved there a few years ago, he had become a respected friend of Violet Williams after a rather embarrassing accident left the gym little more than a heap of rubble.[5]

“Knew his father, David Ketchum ran this place before me,” replied Jared quietly “Taught me everything I know,”

“Small world,” stated Misty suspiciously as if she was beginning to believe that destiny was in fact very stupid woman who could only work in small circles

“Yup,” replied Jared, “I won’t keep you any longer Mist; you have stealth lessons first period, third classroom down the hall.”

“Thanks Jared,” said Misty as the two of them walked down the corridor.



“Nobody here is what they appear, everyone wears a mask,” said Jared softly “Remember that,” and then he disappeared round a corner.


London, UK

Snoopmon stood at the top of a small double story building, her lightly set eyes probing the area around ground zero.

“Anything interesting there?” Asked Vandemon quietly, she was still feeling fragile, but still felt obligated to follow.

“It seems to have vanished,” replied Snoopmon in a worried voice

“How hard can it be to find something the size of a car in the space of a few blocks?” muttered Vandemon.

Snoopmon glared at her,

“Vandemon this is London, there are a million places to hide, and we know that better than anyone,” she replied softly her slight elfin features returning to their normal nervous awareness

Alison and Lucy stood in the streets also scouting for any sign of the Dragon.

“I guess this does cement one thing, no more Yugi cards,” stated Lucy matter-of-factly.

“We should just be thankful that I didn’t use Exodia,” replied Alison sheepishly.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself, how were you to know that it would release” finished Lucy pulling out her cell phone

“What are you pulling that out for?” asked Alison intently

“We’re gonna need help, the reports on TV show it's growing, anyway I’ve watched a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh The Blue eyes is Uber Powerful,”

“Who can help us?” continued Alison desperately

“My dad, he helped create digimon, he’ll know what to do,”

Alison looked impressed, she knew that Lucy’s father was a smart man, she’d never thought him a creator of her partner’s kind.

“Phone him,” she said.

Nearby in a dumpster, the dragon slept


West Shinjuku

Renamon was bored.

Jeri and Rika had gone to the mall; Jeri said she was sure they could find something that could cheer Rika up.

Renamon had been left to keep an eye on Mew and Calumon and in a way on Mewtwo who had taken to polite conversation and was asking a lot of questions about this world.

<So,> he began after Renamon had explained the principles of digivolution <you can reverse the transformation?>.

“Yes it’s all a matter of choice,” replied Renamon patiently allowing Mewtwo to process the fact.

<Wish I could do that,> he muttered, <Then maybe I could leave behind my memories>

“I’m afraid not, as Rika likes to say no matter where you go, there you are,” replied Renamon staring into Mewtwo’s lilac eyes.

Mewtwo stared back in curiosity.

“What exactly are you? I mean Mewtwo isn’t a Digimon name, no Mon,” stated Renamon.

Mewtwo chuckled psychically.

<You’re right, I’m not a digimon, > replied Mewtwo <I’m a relative,>.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” replied Renamon “You don’t look like any digital life-form I’ve ever seen,”

Mewtwo looked at her with a look of pity.

He then explained what he was, what a pokémon was and how he fitted into that genetic lot; Renamon sat there wondering whether to believe him or not.

“How do I know I can trust you,” she said at last.

<You’ll just have to believe,> replied Mewtwo softly.

“Help me believe,” said Renamon “Everything I see seems so fake here,”

<We could be friends…> said Mewtwo resolutely

“I’d like that,”



Melbourne, Australia

“Who are you guys,” asked

“We’re the South African Tamers,” said the tallest fellow “or at least that’s the word Gareth likes to use” he added motioning to the shorter stockier guy who was gasping for air

“South African Tamers? Now I’ve heard everything” said Bob

Gareth finally caught his breath and began the formal introductions.

The teen with glasses name was Eric and his partner was Kudumon at the moment. The Tallest fellow was Philip; carefully keeping an eye on his partner Aviemon finally Gareth introduced his partner Dictormon

“So what did you mean by not picking a fight with that Digimon?” asked Bob conversationally, his partner a small rabbit-like creature began to run in place

“It’s an Ultimate,” explained Philip

“Oh,” said Bob becoming a bit quieter.

“Well we can take an Ultimate if we’re all together,” chimed in Victor’s partner Sheepmon.

“I dunno,” replied Dictormon nervously “I think we’ll need help,”

“I agree, it’s time I called in a favour,” added Gareth pulling out his cell phone and wincing.

“Goodbye airtime,”

“Who are you calling?” asked Dictormon

Gareth didn’t answer, he was already talking.

“Hello, Ryo? It’s me, I need a favour…”


Blackthorn City

Misty stood in the line calmly, her face straight and emotionless, her insides boiling like a very suspect cauldron.

She’d been separated from Gary, who was in another class for now anyway.

She vaguely remembered this feeling when she had been in Kindergarten, all alone and new in a class of strangers.

“Hi there,” said the girl behind her, Misty turned around to face the other girl; she was about Misty’s age and height with a somewhat friendly look on her face.

She had shoulder length purple hair and as far as Misty could see a red hair band.

“Oh Hi,” replied Misty nervously

The girl sat down in the desk next to her and opened her pencil case

“I’m Kristen, what’s your name?” asked Kristen politely

“Misty, Misty Williams,”

“Nice to meet you,”

“Class it’s time to prepare for trouble” said a voice behind one of the screens at the front of the class.

“And while you’re at it Make it Double,” added a second voice.

“Oh no, not them, not here,” uttered Misty in desperation

“Who?” asked Kristen in a strange voice.

“To protect the world from devastation,” started Jessie somewhere behind the screen

“To unite all peoples within our nation,” echoed James

“To enhance the virtues of stealth and Guile,”

“To make your heads as hard as steel,”



“Team Kobra pulling through at the speed of sound,”

“Surrender now or hit the ground,” finished James with a laugh

“Team Kobra?” asked Misty unsurely

Jessie gave her a black look,

“Oh you’re here too twerp!” she said irritably, as she fondled her hair “if you must know we were transferred from Team Rocket, so we decided to reform our old gang here” she snapped.

Meowth sighed and pulled out a small handbook and consulted page one.

“I still don’t get why we got to do this,” he muttered as he peered at the fine black print

“It beats unemployment,” replied James stroking his hair.

Jared laughed and clapped.

Kristen and Misty turned around; they hadn’t even heard him until then.

Kristen gave Jared a glare with her baby blue eyes.

Jared winced.

“Sorry Kris,” he started

Kristen rolled her eyes.

“You and your sneakiness, big brother,” she sighed.

“Big Jess and Little Jimmy, I didn’t think that anyone would recruit you,” stated Jared cheerily turning away from his sister’s death stare.

Jessie and James turned towards Jared, both with huge grins on their faces.

“Old Thunderbolt[6] Sancheras himself,” laughed James “Haven’t seen you since that nasty business in the Orange islands,”

Jessie made a sound very much like "hrmpph".

“Having a bad day Jess?” asked Jared cheerfully.

Jessie looked at him harshly

“Did you put Chloe up to hiring us?” she asked

“No! I didn’t even know you knew Chloe Big Jess” replied Jared respectfully “How did you guys get drafted?

“Well started Jess it all happened after we were arrested…”



Fortree City Prison 24 hours earlier

The water dripped almost silently from a pipe, like a dribbling mongrel in front of a particularly juicy steak.

Jessie cursed quietly to herself; trapped like a rattata.

How could she have been so stupid as to let herself see the wrong side of handcuffs again?

In the next cell James was muttering something about this dank air being murder to his complexion. She had a distinct desire to smack him hard.

There was a rapping on the bars from the door of the cell

“Why am I not surprised to see you in here cuz,” echoed a mature female voice.

“Chloe!” exclaimed Jessie in surprise as the Brown haired girl calmly walked into the Cell as if she owned it.

“Hi Jess, it has been a long time hasn’t it,” said Chloe her features softening

“I’ll say, I haven’t seen you since I joined Team Rocket,” replied Jessie emotionlessly.

Jessie was pretty much unshakable these days, after years of being hit with years of misadventure she could stare down nearly any kind of trouble without fear, but seeing her favourite cousin all grown up was surprising even to her.

“What are you doing here?” she asked unsurely.

“I want to offer you a job,” started Chloe

“What me?” asked Jessie

“Yes you,” replied Chloe

“Why me?” continued Jessie suspiciously.

“Jessie you taught me everything I know about getting around; from picking locks to disguising myself,”

“I have a rep to uphold, Team Rocket does not work with the law,” replied Jessie firmly

Chloe gave her a strange look.

“Don’t you know?” she asked in shock.

“Know what?” asked Jessie dreading the answer.

Chloe picked up her bag and pulled out a piece of paper.

Jessie read it.

“This is real?” she asked suspiciously

“Yup,” said Chloe “I saw him sign it

“Then… I guess I’m working for you cuz,” she said slowly

Chloe smiled, in the next cell James began to sing.


Kato residence

 Matsimoto Japan

Jeri and Rika arrived at Jeri’s house a little after 4 PM, smiling and quite happy.

Jeri had a bag of shopping under her arm and Rika a large Renamon Plushie she won from Gopher bopping.

“Oh Rika I’m glad your happier now, I worry about you a lot these days,” said Jeri depositing her shopping on the bed.

Rika sat the Plushie next to herself and smiled as well she was feeling good, each of those gophers had had Ryo’s ugly mug all over them.

Jeri was incredibly glad that had been one of the prizes at the arcade; the other option had been an air rifle

“So?” asked Rika calmly “What did you really come to see me about before?”

Jeri hung her head; it felt awkward talking about Takato when Rika was feeling so down.

“It’s something to do with the gogglehead isn’t it?” continued Rika

Jeri looked at her in surprise

“How did you know?” she asked in surprise

“I’m not blind you know,” replied Rika “The only person who didn’t notice that you two liked each other were the two of you,”

Jeri blushed Rika was teasing her.

“Umm Rika… about Ryo?” started Jeri carefully

Rika smiled sadly.

“It’s OK I’ve had quite enough time to cry,” chided Rika “He just decided that I was just too much effort to court, he’s gone after some floozy called Stacy,” she added bitterly

“Rika I’m so sorry,” started Jeri, but Rika shushed her.

“It’s all right I should have seen it coming, Ryo is a spader and I didn’t realise it,” added Rika.

The Phone rang, the mood broke, and Jeri rushed to pick it up.

“Hello Kato residence,” she said cheerfully.

Rika watched her face intently; it was changing into a shocked expression.

“Rika its Mr Merzuno, he says he has a job for you…”


Hypnos HQ 2 hours later

Yamaki looked down at the Tamers in a worried way.

They had all responded, even Jeri was there, although only in an unofficial capacity now.

“You’re all wondering what I called you here for!” he stated sternly “and I won’t lie to you, it’s not a social call, as you all know the digimon have returned to the real world and some of them aren’t here to socialise, we’ve detected two extra-dimensional tears, and according to Mr Merzuno only your D-powers can seal them.”

“Well then what are we waiting for let’s go,” chirped Kazu brazenly

“You,” said Yamaki “Are not going anywhere Kazu, these digimon are unknown factors, if I’m sending anyone it’s the bio mergers”

Kazu shut his mouth and began muttering about never seeing any action.

“OK I’m not going to waste time by briefing you here, lets just say this, there are digimon entering the real world through two major instabilities, I’m sending two Bio merging Digidestined to each destination along with a scientist to seal the portal.”

Rika and Ryo ended up together as Henry and Takato were really good friends.

That didn’t last long as shortly afterwards Ryo was nursing a black eye.

“Maybe you two should split,” said Yamaki to The all boy team

Henry nodded and moved next to Ryo, Takato shrank back slightly as Rika stood next to him.

“Right then this is settled, this isn’t a long mission, so please be careful,” asked Yamaki.

The digidestined nodded as one person.

“Pack your things and meet your team mate at the airport,”

There was a throat clearing sound behind Yamaki.

“I’d like to go too,” said Alice firmly.

Yamaki turned to the white blonde girl sternly.

“No,” he said

“I can help Mr Merzuno; I know what dimensional tears look like,”

Mr Merzuno spoke up at this moment, saying they could probably use another hand finding it.

Yamaki put his hands up when Dr. McCoy added that she had been benched a little too long, so long as she didn’t go after digimon herself it was fine.

“Takato, can I talk to you a second before we go” said Rika quietly.

“Sure Rika,” said Takato nervously, Rika scared him even now, especially considering that Ryo was currently wincing in one eye.

They moved into a side corridor,

“I hear that you and Jeri went on a date yesterday night,” she said matter of factly.

Takato gave Rika an unsure look, he knew Rika was one of Jeri’s closest friends but he was still nervous of the snappish redhead.

“Yeah… we did,” he stammered his face turning a blazing red that would have made Guilmon proud.

Rika looked at Takato calmly, her face turfing out a sad smile.

“I’m happy for the two of you Gogglehead, really I am, you two are right for one another,” she said bravely.

Takato blinked in surprise, Rika was always cold and mocking and now she was wishing him luck he felt like someone had hurled him into a parallel universe.

He got up to leave, Rika stopped him.

“Just remember Gogglehead, if you break her heart, I’ll tear your arm off and beat you with it,” she threatened.

Takato walked out the door.

“Some things never change,” he said softly to himself.



Nonaka Residence 1 hour later

Rika got home in a hurry; she knew how important this mission was.

Renamon didn’t even bother to query her partner’s resolve; she knew what this was about.

Mewtwo floated lazily in the garden, one lilac eye regarding the tumbling gavelling figures of Calumon and Mew in a chiding manner.

Renamon approached him, their rapport instantly rekindled

“Mewtwo?” queried Renamon in a concerned manner.

<Yes Renamon?> asked Mewtwo softly turning in midair to face her.

“I’m… I’m going on mission with Rika; I have something to ask of you,” she said unsurely

<Fire Away> replied the clone pokémon.

“Well you know Jeri… the girl who was here earlier?” continued Renamon unsure how to phrase this.

<Yes, she seemed nice, why?>

Renamon wasn’t sure how to phrase it, Mewtwo Topcarded[7] her.

<I see, your premonition is disturbing> commented Mewtwo

Renamon wasn’t sure whether to be angry or relieved that Mewtwo had read her mind, she settled on relief.

“Will you?” she asked imploringly

<I will not be slave to a human again Renamon, however I shall watch the girl until you return,> said Mewtwo in a barely audible “voice”

“But you saw it… I won’t,”

<Visions do not tell us all that happens only a snapshot of the "what if"> replied Mewtwo <I once had a premonition of dying and it turned out I merely faked my death, Visions are seldom cut and dried>

Renamon opened her mouth to answer, but decided not to, Rika needed her far more now than ever before.

“Keep her safe,” she said eventually “I don’t know what will happen,”

<I will keep her safe,> replied Mewtwo



Jeri walked Takato to the boarding gate wordlessly.

“Come back safe okay,” she said to him with concern

“I will!” replied Takato awkwardly.

“Takato?” asked Jeri uncertainly.

“Yes Jeri?”

Then it happened; time stood still, his heart fluttered, the hair on the back of his arms stood on end, he was caught up in a state of pure euphoria.

And then… it was over.

Takato stood there like a Codfish gaping dumbly as Jeri drew back.

“That was for luck,” she said softly

“I think he just got lucky,” sniped Rika rushing towards the couple “we’ve got to get going so I’m afraid I’ll be stealing Gogglehead,”

Jeri Blushed, Rika closed Takato’s gaping mouth.

“I guess this is goodbye,” said Jeri nervously


“I love you,”

“I know”

Rika coughed loudly and grabbed Takato by the collar.

“Come on Lover Boy, we have a plane to catch,” she said roughly

Takato struggled a bit but eventually let Rika drag him away.

When they were out of sight Takato asked Rika

“Do you think she’ll be OK?”

“She’ll be fine, just remember what I said,” she answered

Takato rubbed his arm affectionately, Guilmon laughed under his disguise.

“Yes Maam,” he said.

“Good boy laughed Rika patting him on the head.

As they boarded the plane Takato took one last look back, Mr. Merzuno and Alice were already onboard he was the last on.

“Lets go save the world,” he said to Guilmon .


Melbourne Australia

Ryo arrived at the airport in a fluster. Digimon in the real world were bad enough, but when they harassed people to whom he owed a huge favour he’d come.

Anyway Hypnos had called him three minutes afterwards with the whole, “Your world needs your help” speech and had been assigned here.

His eye still throbbed Rika had a mean sucker punch.

CyberDramon was also in a bad mood, if economy class was so bad, Ryo wondered how CyberDramon had survived in Pets class.

Henry walked beside him in silence, Terriermon had been passed off as a stuffed animal again; they hadn’t spoken since the plane trip.

“Hey Ryo, how do you know anyone here anyway?” asked Henry in curiosity.

“I don’t Gareth came to Japan a few months before I disappeared, he’s my contact.”

That was it; there wasn’t much to talk about

Mr. Wong fiddled with a device as they got to the Harbour pier.

“Ryo! Thank God,” said Gareth reaching his Japanese friend at speed, “That things in the water, it’s heading to the reef.”

Ryo and CyberDramon didn’t even think, they rushed into the water and dived in.

Ryo’s Digivice sang as CyberDramon rushed forward deeper towards his target.

“Ho boy I’m in trouble” he thought


Wolf 359 Tamer Academy

Gary was in for quite a different surprise, he was standing at one end of a pokémon arena.

On the other was another student, he had a Dragonair out.


Battle on


Melbourne Australia

Dutchmon let out a stream of bubbles; CyberDramon launched his claws deep into the creature’s oversized belly.

Ryo cheered mentally, but only for a second. The tear glowed purple as Ryo’s digivice changed spectrums.

There was an unearthly scream, deep below him a pure white tentacle shot up.

Ryo had no time to react. The tentacle grabbed his leg, and began to pull him down with dark force.

CyberDramon moved below it and began to cut it up with claws.

Ryo felt the force decrease but he was too tired to go up for air.

His head was light; he was floating up but couldn’t lift his head.

Ryo felt a pair of strong hands grabbing his shoulders and pulling him onto the shore again.

“Man you guys are stupid!” muttered a quirky voice as Ryo spat salt water out of his mouth, one of his legs stung horribly from where the creature had grabbed him.

He couldn’t see at all, it was painful even to think, it was a bit like a hangover without the benefit of being drunk to begin with.

The person who had pulled him out was obviously new, he didn’t sound like any of those that were on the pier with him.

“Dude, where did you come from?” asked Henry amazed, Ryo guessed his jaw was open.

“I was always there you just couldn’t see me,” replied the first voice, it was about the same pitch as Kazu but a lot more serious.

Ryo’s sight was returning a bit now, he could see the tamers clustering near him. On the other side of the boat was his rescuer.

He was tall, almost as tall as Ryo, with broad shoulders and a knowing smirk, his hands were filthy so was his face.

“Who are you?” asked Ryo.

The Boy turned his attention to Ryo, over on the far side Eric muttered something rude in Afrikaans; Gareth hit him over the head with the back of his hand.


“My name,” he said “Is Davis,”


London UK

Twelve hours later

Lucy sat in the terminal at Heathrow airport; waiting for her father was taking a while longer than expected.

Alison and Vandemon were pacing back and forth; no one seemed to notice the vampire digimon so long as she didn’t use her powers, they just thought she was from one of those cultish druidic religions which were so popular these days

He’d know what to do, Daddy almost always did.

“Flight 411 from Tokyo Japan now arriving…” echoed the hostess over the intercom.

“At last!” said Alison impatiently “every minute we wait, is another minute that bloody Dragon gets bigger,”

Lucy wasn’t so sure; the dragon, whom she thought of as Bluey, had actually seemed to avoid hurting people, Lots of property damage yes, but no fatalities, no injuries, it had gone out of its way not to hurt people.

Alison broke her concentration by tapping her shoulder.

“Their here,” she said in a close encounters tone of voice.

Lucy looked up, there was her father, still sporting his bushy beard and quiet bemused expression.

Behind him trotted Alice McCoy looking as always pale and slightly ill.

After them was another pair of kids.

A boy with a dreamy preoccupied expression being led by a stern faced Redhead.

Then came their partners, badly dressed in a yellow raincoat the other wearing a fur coat as if she owned it.

These were the great heroes of D-reaper, she had no doubt of that; the redhead looked like a warrior.

Shibumi walked over to the four there to greet him and embraced his daughter tightly.

“What is this about a dragon?” he asked in a soft voice.

Alison and Rika began to introduce themselves to each other, Takato stood there looking dazed. Guilmon licked his hand.

“She kissed me,” he kept mumbling to himself, “She really kissed me,”

Lucy wondered what he was going on about as they walked out of the arrivals lounge but didn’t get much time to ask more than their names.

This was namely because, as they passed the international departures lounge it blew out in a massive fireball.

People ran screaming, chaos ensued on all sides around them

“First Target secure,” said a voice like a saw “Preparing for resistance”

The Digidestined tensed, Alison looked in.

There in the middle of a huge crater was a creature, it was 6 feet tall, with misshapen claw like hands, its body was made of red fibrous cables, but most eerie were its eyes; Thousands of tiny Cameras all fitting together.

“Target Acquired commencing destruction,” it said.


Wolf 359, Tamer Academy

Benjamin and Ash’s company arrived a little after 8 that evening.

The ride on the Hoen Underground had been long and harrowing especially since for the most part it travelled underwater, but they had finally arrived.

StarAgumon was quietly napping on a chair in the foyer; one advantage of living on Wolf 359 was that no one ever felt anything sinister about the rookie partners of digidestined.

Ash and Pikachu were standing beside him as he knocked on the big doors leading into the academy proper.

They were big Oak doors, put in when this place had been made the Tamer Headquarters.

Jared had hated them and said he couldn’t wait for the day a digimon tore them down, Jared had a right to think like that; it was, after all, his house.

Pikachu began to try to make another stuttering sentence.

“I pika feel that I’ve been here before Pika,” he stammered.

“Well of course we’ve been here before, this is Blackthorn,” replied Ash, he was still unsure what to make of Pikachu’s strange new gift, it made him uneasy.

“No I’ve been here before,” replied the Pikachu “Before I met you, when I was a baby,”

“Oh you’re one probably from the tamer breeding centre then,” stated Benjamin “The trainers Pokémon run free here, so we get a lot of strong 2nd or 3rd generations,”

“Wow,” said Brock “I’d like to talk to the head breeder,”

There was a crashing sound like shattering glass and then Aeron’s voice

“Good work Charles Blast Burn Attack,” he yelled

“Eevee Teleport and then Take Down,” yelled Gary in response.

Benjamin froze; he knew his brother’s voice.

“I’m going to kill him,” he whispered quietly as he turned into the hall Agenda changed.

“I’m going to show him whose boss,”


London UK

The Blue eyes White dragon opened its eyes.

It wasn’t sure why it tried sleeping; it only had bad dreams, Dreams of dying.

There was a snarling sound, it didn’t like snarling. It had curled up in a ball in a dumpster and now looked out to see a growling Doberman giving him a dirty look.

It sensed something wasn’t right, there were creatures in this world which didn’t belong, they were not like him, he sought only rest, these things wanted something else, something important and they would never stop hunting for it.

There were memories, memories of before, they ate into his skull like maggots, he wasn’t right, this form wasn’t his, this body had things… things it wasn’t meant to have, wings, scales.

If the blue eyes had a mind it was ticking, it felt uneasy.

It lifted its huge wings and began to fly.

Flying Towards Heathrow.


London UK

The Cable creature stared at the digidestined cruelly.

“Target entry, Kato Jeri, Search and destroy mode online,” it said in a harsh unilateral voice.

Rika and Takato pulled out heir D-powers.

“Nobody threatens Jeri,” said Takato surely

“Renamon!” called Rika.




“Cool,” said Lucy, amazed by the transformation.

Spirit strike

Lightning Joust

The monster hissed. Balls of light appeared in his hands just as the attack split his red cabled body in two equal portions.

The Balls fell to the ground like depth charges, causing the roof to fall in with a mighty flash

There was a mighty roar, the blue eyes was close.

The flash engulfed the two Bio-merged digimon in a ball of grey green light.

Rubble crashed from the roof, as the blue eyes white dragon skittered into the airport lounge

The Dragon screeched two giant wings clattered forward as it launched itself forward.

Alison stood there frozen as the huge monster rushed forward its blue eyes seething with hatred, the cable creatures turned into seething red blobs on the floor.

Alice screamed. Alison closed her eyes waiting for it all to be over; she saw that this was going to be fatal for all of them.

The end never came, there was a gust of wind as the Dragon spun on a dime and belched white lightning at the debris.

Alice screamed again much higher this time.

The tear hummed and collapsed in on itself.

The Dragon bent its head low and stared at Alice’s crouched figure.

Alice stared right back her eyes flickering slightly.

“Ahhhh lisssss?” hissed the Dragon slowly as if uncertain about its speech.

Alice shuddered and looked deep into the huge blue eyes staring at her.

“Yes?” she asked shuddering.

The Dragon moved its head forward, the enormous eyes inches from her face.

Then the dragon nuzzled her fraternally, a lot like a large dog will nuzzle their human companion.

Alice gingerly put out a hand, the dragon crooned softly.

“Ahhlisss!” it moaned softly as Alice began to massage the ridges on the forehead.

Alison and Shibumi looked on in shock; after all they had gone too, it appeared that the Dragon didn’t like the tear creatures any more than they did.

Snoopmon and Lucy staggered from the wreckage, they were alive, that counted for something.

“Lucy!” cried Shibumi rushing towards her and holding her fast.

“What’s with Bluey?” asked Lucy “He’s not attacking us,”

Shibumi looked up at Alice again.

“Robert’s not going to like this,” he said softly.

The dragon had stuck out its tongue and was beginning to lick Alice affectionately.

“I have been looooking for you Ahhhlisss,” it crooned.

Alice felt the dragons mind now; it was like an open book to her, she looked over the memories and saw the truth.

A sacrifice that was rewarded, a mind that didn’t fit the body, small red and blue globules of memory swirling in the nether.

“Dobermon?” asked Alice quietly not believing her own minds eye

The Dragon nodded and looked deeply into Alice’s eyes, they had changed, but the look hadn’t. Alice knew in her deepest heart that it was him, her eyes filled with bitter tears.

“Dobermon!” she cried hugging the dragon’s head as hard as she could.

Alison gave Vandemon confused as she pulled herself out the remnants of the international arrivals terminal.

“That thing is a digimon?” asked Vandemon in an exasperated voice “It’s on our side?”

“It appears so,” said Shibumi in a shell shocked voice “Against all logic I think a Digimon has found a way to come back”

“Come back?” asked Lucy in strange tone.

“I think that the dragon has been inhabited by the spirit of Alice’s old partner.” Said Shibumi his hands shaking “It means that some digimon never truly die,”

“And some do,” said Vandemon softly

“What do you mean?” asked Alison

“I can’t sense them Alison, I can’t feel them at all,”

“You don’t mean?”

“I do!”


“I’m sorry I can just sense it.” Said Vandemon

“Sense what,” asked Lucy

“They’re gone… Takato and Rika are dead,”


West Shinjuku

Jeri and Mewtwo sat on the roof of Jeri’s father’s restaurant.

It was way too late for either of them to be up, but somehow neither could sleep.

They had merely sat up here on the roof, talking.

“You don’t have to keep me company you know,” said Jeri quietly, “I don’t need to be watched constantly,”

<I know, I just like it here, not many people talk to me these days, and those that do usually start by screaming,> replied Mewtwo

“Well… you are a little scary at first,”

<But I’m not scary any more?> asked Mewtwo curiously

“You obviously aren’t hurting anyone, so I guess you can’t be scary,” replied Jeri resolutely.

Mewtwo stared deep into Jeri’s eyes.

<You really mean that don’t you,> he muttered softy

Jeri nodded.

“Of course I mean it, I like you,” she said softly taking an oversized paw in her hand, “You seem to see the world in a different way,”

<I have experience> replied Mewtwo uncomfortably

Jeri sighed

“I hope he comes back safe,” she said dreamily.

Mewtwo looked at her pityingly; he remembered a quote that he’d heard a trainer at Viridian City say.

“Some people sail through their troubles, yet others are left with the scars”

Jeri had scars that marred her innocent soul with the cruelty of fate.

The wind blew coldly against Jeri’s legs; she shuddered

“There’s a storm coming,” she whispered “That came out of nowhere,”

<Not out of nowhere, it is a herald of events> replied Mewtwo glassily.

“Mewtwo?” queried Jeri

<Yes, Jeri>

“What does it say?”

<It says… it says… I have not the heart to say it,> wailed Mewtwo Psychically.

Jeri looked at Mewtwo’s eyes; they were filled with the agony of bad news.

“Tell me!” she commanded with such ferocity she shocked herself.

<It’s Rika and Takato, Jeri… their… dead,>

[1] Mind you considering Aeron this wasn’t hard

[2] This is a huge issue for many girls as no one wants to look like a drone, even in a bee costume.

[3] He was lying but no one noticed

[4] This is usually not a good sign anywhere that there are schools

[5] Benjamin’s Jolteon had misunderstood the term “Level that Starmie”

[6] Jared and Sparky had been the leaders of the Fuchsia City bikers until Jared’s mother had found out. (Thus proving some people do have mothers they’d rather not cross)

[7] A telepathic technique where a Psychic reads the thoughts running through a person’s mind at that moment, a bit like peeking at the top card of a deck of cards


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